Roger Biduk “Many of you, as responsible pet parents, have had a good feeling leaving the veterinarian’s office thinking your vet is looking out for the best interest of your animal companions, and the $200 of your hard-earned money you just plunked down on having Fluffy and Fido vaccinated will protect them from a host of illness and disease. You’ll be rethinking that after reading Vaccinations Are Killing Our Pets.”
On March 15, 2007, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) learned that certain pet foods were
sickening and killing (poisoning) cats and dogs. FDA found contaminants in vegetable proteins imported into the United States from China and used as ingredients in pet food. The numbers will never be known, but millions of cats and dogs may have gotten sick or died from melamine poisoning, leaving their owners devastated.
The major pet food manufacturers and veterinarians who were involved in this poisoning in one way or another did a great job sweeping this under the carpet. No one even talks about these pet foods (many recommended and sold by veterinarians to this very day) that poisoned and killed so many cats and dogs. Many don’t even remember, but if you had a cat or dog who was poisoned and died because of these foods, you remember plenty!
What is really horrifying and the public should be made aware of is that EACH ONE OF THE FIVE MANUFACTURERS (THAT CONTROL UP TO 90% OF THE PET FOOD MARKET IN THE U.S.) HAD BRANDS OF PET FOOD THAT WERE ON THE RECALL LIST! You can read the FDA recall list here containing hundreds of low-quality pet food formuals including veterinarian-sold Hill’s Prescription Diet and Royal Canin Veterinary Diet!
Among the major brands of pet foods on the FDA recall list are some of the biggest, most profitable and ones that you may be using and are still recommended by veterinarians!: Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Hill’s Prescription Diet, Iams, Science Diet, Purina and Ol’ Roy (Walmart’s brand)… Unbelievable! Each and everyone of these brands of pet foods are on the list of Pet Food Brands to Avoid.
“What should you feed your cat/dog? Easy, feed them what they’ve been eating for millions of years, a balanced raw meat diet. If feeding a commercial diet, wet is best followed by kibble. Make sure the foods don’t include even one ingredient in this list of Ingredients to Absolutely Avoid in Pet Foods. Roger Biduk
You’d never know their products were making cats and dogs sick and poisoning them by looking at their websites, nor would you know that many or most of the main ingredients of the following brands are on the list of Ingredients to Avoid at all Costs in Pet Food. Unbelievable!:
The Science Diet and Hills Prescription website says “Vets’ #1 choice for their own Pets”!. Vets make lots and lots of money selling this stuff. What’s really ironic (and sad) is that according to Hills this is the “vet’s #1 choice for their own pets”. Because the ingredients in Science and Hills are so bad and some contain absolutely NO meat, it’s only a matter of time before these vets start treating their own pets for a host of illnesses and diseases leading to premature death! For a great review titled “The Truth About Science Diet, click here.
The Royal Canin website says “Food Safety and Quality:
Our #1 priority because we put your pet first”!

The Eukanuba website says “Our Philosophy, Never Cut Corners, Never Compromise”!
The Walmart website says “Ol’ Roy Is Committed to Providing Your Dog With
The Highest Quality Nutrition Possible”! Ol’Roy is the largest selling brand of pet food in the U.S. and is possibly the worst (and most dangerous) pet food out there!
The Iams website says “Iams is committed to helping dogs and cats live long, healthy lives through innovative nutrition that truly makes a difference. This spirit of innovation and continuous improvement is the purpose behind everything we do”
If you’re feeding your cat/dog any of the above five mentioned brands, read the label of the ingredients of the food and be prepared for a reality check, you’ll be sick to your stomach. All have many ingredients (sometimes most or all) that appear in the section “Ingredients to Avoid at all Costs in Pet Food!
Of note: Pet food companies like Wellness, Orijen and others were NEVER on the recall list because many of them use only 100% human grade ingredients.