This is a very thorough and extensive 35 page website about allopathic, holistic and integrative veterinary, cat / dog nutrition and what BigPharmaMafia, bad veterinarians and pet food companies who make very low-quality pet foods don’t or won’t tell you. It will always be a work in progress. The site is sometimes intentionally provocative & outspoken in order to disturb the status quo, which needs to be educated and must be changed! All of the information on this website is fact and has been extensively researched, sourced and documented and is extremely well received by both good veterinarians and pet parents, having had 500,000 hits in a single day!
Must See Videos
Roger Biduk – Most (sometimes ALL) of the main ingredients in pet foods sold in grocery stores, vet clinics and animal hospitals provide patients for vets
Roger Biduk Provides Some Videos on Ingredients in Pet Foods
Jun 18th
Roger Biduk says that pictures speak more than words. “Videos that state the facts and are not some sort of advertising or hype from pet food manufacturers all say the same thing… most or all of the main ingredients in the majority of commercial pet foods are really bad for your animal companion.”
Do You Know What’s in Some Pet Foods?
What’s REALLY in Your Pet’s Food
What Menufoods & Iams Don’t Want Us to Know
What Happens To Unwanted Dogs & Cats
Video – The Truth About IAMS/Eukanuba!
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Are There Pets in Your Pet Food?
Learn the Truth About Pet Food
Pet Food Industry Revealed
Pet Foods Mystery Meat
Soylent Green For Pets
Food Not Fit For a Pet