This is a very thorough and extensive 35 page website about allopathic, holistic and integrative veterinary, cat / dog nutrition and what BigPharmaMafia, bad veterinarians and pet food companies who make very low-quality pet foods don’t or won’t tell you. It will always be a work in progress. The site is sometimes intentionally provocative & outspoken in order to disturb the status quo, which needs to be educated and must be changed! All of the information on this website is fact and has been extensively researched, sourced and documented and is extremely well received by both good veterinarians and pet parents, having had 500,000 hits in a single day!
Listen to the Experts in Pet Nutrition
Experts in animal nutrition all state the obvious – stay away from kibble loaded with grains and feed a raw meat, species appropriate diet.
Roger Biduk; Listen to the Experts in Pet Nutrition
May 15th
Dr. Alicia McWatters, PhD said it best: “Why do some [mostly all!] veterinarians [and now, unbelievably, the AAHA, AVMA, AAFP, NASPHV, BVA, AVA, CVMA, WSAVA, WVA!] misrepresent the benefits of feeding a raw natural diet and promote the practice of feeding an inferior commercial kibble diet [‘prescription diets’]? For many it is ignorance while for others it is more calculated.”
Roger Biduk “Never feed your cat kibble. In the wild, felines drink very little water and get around 80% of their water needs from the kill. Cats are chronically dehydrated when on a kibble diet and the odds of them dying prematurely from CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) or Feline Diabetes are huge. Always feed them a balanced raw meat diet (no fruits, vegetables and especially no grains) or at the very worst a grain-free, low starch canned food. Dogs should follow the same diet.”
Dr. Joe Demers, D.V.M – “A reason for overweight pets is what we feed our pet friends. Commercial pet food is anywhere between 45 percent to 65 percent carbohydrates (grains). Grains are the least expensive part of pet food and can fill the animal quickly. Dogs and cats are more carnivores than we humans are, and we are feeding them almost as much grain (or more) than we humans eat. I feel that this high-carbohydrate commercial pet food is the worst food we can feed our pet friends. Our pet friends need fresh meats, not dehydrated meat by-products.” Click here to read more on Dr. Demers’ comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Dr. T.J. Dunn D.V.M. – “The biggest and most common misconception of all… the promotion of some low priced, grain-based foods as being a Complete and Balanced diet for dogs and cats! Having done physical exams on tens of thousands of dogs and cats and learning from their owners what these pets are being fed has taught me that dogs and cats look, feel, and perform better if they are fed a meat-based diet rather than if fed a corn, wheat, soy or rice-based diet.” Click here to read Dr. Demers’ comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Dr. Russell Swift, DVM says “they are NOT part of the natural diet of wild dogs and cats. In the true natural setting, grains hardly exist at all. Why have grains become so “ingrained” in pet feeding? To the best of my knowledge, grains were mainly introduced by the pet food industry. The high carbohydrate content provides CHEAP calories.” Click here to read Dr. Swift’s comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Dr. William Pollak, DVM says “Poor nutrition is one of the major contributors to our pet’s lower life expectancy. By feeding our pets most commercially available pet foods, we are unintentionally depriving these animals of important nutrients needed for sustaining the states of greater Wellness that their genetic material encodes. The results of a clinical trial suggest that 74.7% of common diseases in dogs and 63% of common diseases in cats can be eliminated without medical intervention over a period of one year with proper diet modifications and an understanding of the healing process as exhibited through healing episodes. Approaching disease from the perspective of health is the most powerful means of eliminating disease. Poor fuel makes for little momentum in life. The commercial food we are feeding is the disease we are treating – so treat on and on, curing one disease after another, again and again”.
“Health is an inevitable by-product of natural raw foods for our pets.”
“Survival is insured by commercial food; nothing more; not health, not the robustness for life.”
“In the wild, no one cooks for the coyote or wolf; no one brushes their teeth. Their foods are raw and unprocessed.”
“Eating supermarket pet foods is like eating cardboard. Our pets just get by on them…” Click here to read Dr. Pollak’s comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Dr. Wendell O. Belfield, DVM says “Their pets may have diarrhea, increased flatulence, a dull hair coat, intermittent vomiting or prolonged scratching. These are common symptoms associated with commercial pet foods.” In 1981, as Martin Zucker and I wrote “How to Have a Healthier Dog”, we discovered the full extent of negative effects that commercial pet food has on animals. In February 1990, San Francisco Chronicle staff writer John Eckhouse went even further with an exposé entitled “How Dogs and Cats Get Recycled into Pet Food“. Click here to read Dr. Belfield’s comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM, Ph.D. says “When I began to suggest the feeding of raw meat I found animals becoming more healthy even without other treatment. Indeed, I have frequently had the report that people find their animals become healthy when they make this change and diseases for which they were hoping to have treatment (on a waiting list) have disappeared. Since that time, other veterinarians have told me similar things about the use of raw meat. My experience, albeit clinical and not based on studies, is that my patients have improved health on a raw diet. Furthermore, I have not seen significant parasite problems. Dogs and cats, being carnivores by nature, are meant to eat raw meat and do not have a problem doing so.” Click here to read Dr. Pitcairn’s comments and more info on pet nutrition.
“Why would anyone use spot-on chemical flea and tick preventatives or toxic, poisonous heartworm meds on their cats or dogs? The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has jurisdiction over these because they’re classified as pesticides! Even the EPA says these products are dangerous. And people wonder why there’s so much cancer now in cats and dogs!” Roger Biduk
Dr. Ian Billinghurst, B.V.Sc.(Hons), BSc.Agr., Dip.Ed. says “The sad truth is that prepared pet foods help provide patients for vets.”
“Raw chicken does of course carry bacteria, e.g., Salmonella. These are of absolutely no consequence to a healthy dog.” Dr. Ian Billinghurst, B.V.Sc.(Hons), BSc.Agr., Dip.Ed., Give Your Dog A Bone, pg. 135.
“As a veterinary student in the early seventies, I found it hard to understand why Aussie vets had fewer and simpler dog and cat diseases to deal with than the Americans. It seemed to make the Aussie vet somehow inferior. We did not need to be trained to the same high degree of complexity and sophistication. There was a simple explanation. At that time, more than seventy percent of Aussie dogs were still fed raw bones and scrapes. They were still pretty healthy. American dogs had been eating processed food and no bones for decades. They had developed a wide range of problems. Their vets had been forced to develop a complex set of diagnostic and therapeutic tools to deal with them. I need not have worried. Our dogs’ disease problems are increasing on a par with their increasing consumption of processed and cooked foods. We Aussie vets now have to be as good as our American counterparts to deal with them. There are many reasons why the commercial pet foods have never been close to a dog’s natural diet. Those reasons include the fact that they are based on grain, and that they are cooked.” Click here to read Dr. Billinghurst’s comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Dr. Alfred Plechner, D.V.M says “The most common and most visible symptoms of nutritionally caused deficiencies are allergies of one kind or another. Because many commercial foods are woefully deficient in key nutrients, the long-term effect of these foods makes the dog hypersensitive to its environment. . . . It’s a dinosaur effect. Animals are being programmed for disaster, for extinction. Many of them are biochemical cripples with defective adrenal glands unable to manufacture adequate Cortisol, a hormone vital for health and resistance to disease.” Allergies can be, and often are, unrecognized deficiency diseases. Click here to read Dr. Plechner’s comments and more info on pet nutrition.
Processed Pet Food – Why you should avoid it. “Let medicine be your food and food your medicine has been the catch cry of dedicated healers down the ages”.
“The sad truth is that prepared pet foods help provide patients for vets. On that basis it is hard to believe that dedicated animal healers – veterinary surgeons – will recommend commercial pet food. I find this hard to believe because as a practicing veterinary surgeon, I constantly see the enormous difference in health between pets raised on commercial pet food compared to those raised on a biologically appropriate raw food diet. I see the enormous change for good in the health of pets switched from cooked to a raw whole food diet. Despite that very obvious connection between commercial pet food and the poor health of the animals consuming it, commercial pet food has become the accepted way to feed pets throughout the civilized world! There are of course reasons. Much of it has to do with the way vets are trained in small animal nutrition.”
“Most people and that includes vets who are interested in their own health, will acknowledge raw whole foods as basic in the formulation of their own healthy diet. Why then do we insist on feeding our pets processed pet foods? Sadly we have been hoodwinked into accepting the hype regarding commercial processed food. We are prepared to believe the highly improbable theory that two species of animal, the dog and the cat, will do better on a diet for which their bodies are totally unsuited rather than their evolutionary diet!
“Unfortunately, many of the people who realize that commercially produced dog food does not produce worthwhile results, devise and cook up something which is in essence not very different from the processed food they were worried about. As a consequence, the results in terms of the health of their dog is not a whole lot better.” See the comments on processed foods and more on pet nutrition here.
I would never feed my animal companions most of the food I’ve seen in vet clinics, grocery or chain stores… and neither will you after you know what the ingredients are after you are informed.
Only over the last 50 years has cancer, kidney failure, tumors, & urinary problems (all found in humans!) evolved to be the main killers of our animal companions, because they are being fed nutritionally-poor food sold in vet clinics, grocery and chain stores.
“NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING is more important in determining the health and lifespan of your animal companion than the ingredients in the food you give them. It’s YOUR BIGGEST RESPONSIBILITY as a pet parent!” Roger Biduk